Today I went for an open day at Nottingham Trent University to find out more about Fashion Communication and Promotion which I have recently received an unconditional offer for! (soo happy!). I already had a feeling this was the perfect course for me that I have been looking for and today certainly confirmed it! I needed to find out more about the course and what it was about so today really helped.
As an ice breaker we had a short task given to us to get to know everyone else. We were asked to empty the contents of our bags and arrange them on the table. We then had to move to the persons bag on our left and describe what we think that person is like based on the contents and how it was arranged. The girl who was asked to describe me got me spot on! This was such a fun task, everyone was so lovely and I loved being nosey and looking at what everyone carried around with them!
So as you can see my bag was ridiculously full! I am one of those people who NEVER empties their bags which results in me collecting millions of different lipsticks, lots of perfume, pointless objects and a LOT of receipts! (though I have to admit, I purposefully didnt put these out). I thought I would share this with you as it's kind of like a 'what's in my bag' for you all (though without all of the rubbish, receipts and random vouchers!).
So i'm aware this isn't the best photograph but we had a short period of time to do it and I had soo much in my bag! I was told my bag was like a tardis because I had so much stuff in there haha. This kind-of gives you an insight into what I carry around with me on a daily basis. I really don't know why I keep scissors, pencils, paintbrushes and stamp sets in my bag, I'm pretty sure I don't need to carry them around with me, these are the things that make my bag so heavy!
I had Alexa Chung's book to read on the journey to Nottingham and a smaller notebook for writing any notes from the open day that I needed to remember, I also took some hello pandas as a snack (strange but soo good). My collection of lip products and perfumes always seem to grow in my bag, i'm sure it's not just me who throws the lipstick and perfume they are wearing in their bag and then completely forgets about it? Also, my purse is from River Island if anyone is wondering, I love it, especially because it has a giant bow on the top!
Thankyou for reading,
Love from Georgia
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