Tuesday, 16 February 2016


Whilst researching for my final major project I initially started looking at the idea of deconstructing beautiful things. Through this idea, I discovered Alexander McQueen's 1999 spring/summer catwalk collection with the spray painted dress finale. The beautifully made white cotton muslin dress with a white synthetic tulle underskirt was permanently changed by two mechanical, spray painting robots! This dramatic performance piece was so beautiful and inspiring to watch and I loved how the simple yellow and black spray paint created such a modern and unique design and made the dress into something completely different, a piece of art in itself.

The finale shows Canadian model Shalom Harlow who trained as a ballerina, this probably explains her balletic, soft movements as she turns around and around on the turn-table.

In McQueen's words: 'The finale of this collection was inspired by an installation by artist Rebecca Horn of two shotguns firing blood-red paint at each other'.  His finale was described as one of the most memorable moments of his runway shows (so i'm sure he had some thanking to do!). This piece has inspired me for my own designs and I am excited to eventually show you what I come up with for my final major project.

If you would like to watch the video for yourself, you can view it here:

Thankyou for reading
Love from Georgia

Photo credit-Google images

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