I thought I would keep you updated with what I am doing on my art foundation course! At the moment I am looking at the destruction of beautiful things, this idea came from me researching how we tend to ruin things around us such as the pollution in the sea, burning down rainforests, killing animals etc. I was advised to create beautiful intricate designs and patterns which I then had to destroy in different ways.
I have really enjoyed this week as I was able to try out so many different new techniques and materials such as screen printing, transfer printing, stencilling, latex and liquid resin (just to name a few!). Below are just a few of my samples but it gives you an idea of what I have been doing this week!
Print screening samples with bright colours before being destroyed. |
Bright transfer print dipped in contrasting shiny black paint. Inspiration taken from oil spills in the sea. |
Transfer print dipped in red latex. Inspiration taken from the blood of slaughtered animals. |
Intricate transfer print design on delicate silk spoiled by metal and the sanding machine. |
Transfer prints sanded and stapled together with ugly metal added. |
Simplistic transfer print ripped by a wire brush and scissors for a distressed look. |
Transfer print with red 'blood' paint, sanded with a sanding machine to create the rips and holes. |
Transfer print with ugly bold tape added to the edge. |
Transfer print with latex drips running down it. Inspirations taken from oil spills in the sea. |
Transfer print dipped in liquid resin with a scrunched liquid resin sample added on top. |
Now you may think these samples are a bit strange and a bit rubbish but this is just me trying out different techniques before I begin creating my garments! (though i'm sure they will be a little bit strange too haha). I am hoping to carry on using these techniques throughout this project and already have plans to try out other techniques such as lino-printing, laser cutting and embroidery, so be prepared for more posts!
Thankyou for reading,
Love from Georgia
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