So i've pretty much recovered from the jetlag and hangover from the first day back to uni and am ready to tell you al about my amazing trip to New York. I cant even begin to describe how much I love New York and how much I didn't want to leave! We pretty much ticked everything off our longggg list and packed everything in! It was tiring to say the least but so worth it! Although I must say, I don't think I will ever crack the underground in New York, that just baffled me. One day we were literally trying to find out where we had to go for two and a half hours and finally ended up getting outside to discover no daylight haha. I will be posting a short photo series of each day in New York, similar to what I did with my cruise I went on in summer.
So on day one we arrived at the Wolcott hotel at half five which didn't really give us much time to do much after unpacking our bags and finding our rooms in the hotel. I'm not going to lie, the Wolcott was pretty terrifying considering as soon as we got there people started saying it was haunted, especially in the hallways and on the 14th floor (thank god I was on the 9th!). It looked like it had once been very grand in its day but is now slightly run down and a bit spooky! It didn't really matter much to us though as it was just a place to sleep and keep our bags!
Later on we decided to visit times square as it was pretty close to our hotel and obviously looks better at nighttime with all of the neon lights and advertisements! It was surprisingly not very busy when we went which was good in a way so we could get lots of clear photos (Ive got to say.. our Instagram's are looking pretty good right now! Mine is georgialewisc if you didn't already know). After exploring times square a little bit in the freezing cold we all decided to go for some food and ended up spending ridiculous amounts of money on overpriced pizzas (one girl ended up spending $50 on a pizza and drink!).
We of course went in a few shops and may have made a few small purchases in Sephora! (oops). And of course we had to visit the huge Victoria's Secret sale. As you can tell, we didn't have much time to do anything else so we decided to have an early night and get ready for our next day in the big apple!
Day two will be coming very soon!
Thankyou for reading
love from Georgia,
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