Saturday, 27 May 2017


I recently noticed a new Netflix series called 'GIRLBOSS' on my 'recently added' section and was so excited to find that it was in fact all about the one and only girlboss Sophia Amoruso! I am not lying when I say I completed the entire series in three days. I need series two! The series is based on an autobiography (#GIRLBOSS) of Sophia's life which basically runs through how she came about making her company 'Nasty Gal' successful whilst going about her busy, hectic, slightly troubled life! I absolutely loved the series and how it showed us just how rebellious she was (and probably still is!). I thought it was interesting showing us the troubles she had making her little eBay company so massive and successful, it definitely was not easy and it really hits home how much you have to put in to get what you want in life. It seems like she could have given up may times, but she didn't. The series takes us through the whole process of her story, even down to how she found her name 'Nasty Gal!' She seemed to (in the end) know exactly what she wanted but sometimes just struggled with how to get it.Image result for girlboss

The series was filled with humour with her casual stealing, lack of feelings for other people and just messiness all round with her small, dingy apartment and shitty jobs! I loved seeing the fashion in it with vintage shops appearing all the time. I won't be forgetting the jacket purchased by her in the first episode that seemed to inspire her so much! (She is wearing it in the image above), I think it makes such a statement and just described her personality straight away to me. I don't want to give too much away from the series, you must watch it! Especially if you admire Sophia Amoruso as much as I do!

Thankyou for reading
Love from Georgia

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