Thursday, 16 November 2017


So I have accidentally taken a veryyy long break from my blog. I kind of got caught up in the craziness of second year and lost my mojo a bit but I am back for good and have so many things planned for my blog, specifically taking a beauty direction with a lot of my posts as this is definitely a path i'd like to go down in the future, so be ready to see even more beauty reviews and thoughts! 

Second year so far is 100x better than first year, it is so much more creative as we are doing a lot of print making, book binding and at the moment we are creating a group zine! This is much more me as I am more of a hands on, handmade, creative person who doesn't like to just be stuck at a computer screen all day! technology annoys me haha! We are running many other briefs alongside the zine project such as our self promotion brief. This is helping us discover who we are, what we want to be, how to achieve it and how to show our personality, identity and uniqueness though our work. 

As well as bringing my blog back, I have also started two new Instagram accounts fcpgeorgiacollins (as a portfolio of all my work and inspirations on the course and around me) and georgialewisloves (as a beauty account, reviewing, promoting and advising). My usual Instagram account is still my favourite though and I post regularly on it so I have to give that one a mention too! georgialewisc, please feel free to give them a follow if you want to see what I get up to and what products I am loving at the moment! 

I have also been doing so many extra classes and interesting things alongside my course this year so I want to briefly mention them in future posts. Another exciting thing coming up is two new places I will be visiting! Amsterdam in December and Berlin (with uni) in January! So get ready for the Instagram's and blog posts! I also visited Bali earlier this year so still want to show you all some of the images I took and experiences I had, it was definitely one of the best places I have ever visited in my life so I have to share it with you all!

Thank you for reading,
Love from Georgia

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