Sunday, 30 October 2016


Welcome back! 
We recently had a trip to London on my course to try and find take some retail and street style photography on our trends that were given to us previously. My group luckily got 'frilled finish' as our trend which was definitely one of the more interesting, girly and easiest ones for me to get! We visited a few places in London attempting to find lots of images of frills. It wasn't as easy as we initially thought, particularly when gathering street style photographs as everyone seemed to be wrapped up in their winter coats! We did however, manage to get a good bunch of retail images in shops and tried our best with the street style ones.  We were in a group of four with one person taking the photographs and the other three helping and searching for frills too!

Below are a few of my favourite images collected from retail stores from both high end and high street brands.

Below are the images we collected from our street style photography.

One thing we did notice when looking for street style frills was the idea that they were either unexpected- for example on fabrics such as leather (making a statement) or were worn by middle ages ladies or younger mothers who didn't really think into what they were wearing as much and just wore it for practicality or comfort. The lady above is a prime example of this. After having a brief chat with her we soon found out she had recently had a baby. She also looked shocked and almost looked herself up and down when we asked to check and see what she was actually wearing! Her patterned dress had small frills around the top whilst the oversized cardigan (or shawl) had large oversized frills, we decided that she was definitely a 'yummy mummy' in terms of consumer tribes.

I found this a very interesting look to talk about. This woman clearly hasn't put any thought into her outfit but looks so confident at the same time. Her skirt was slightly marked and her shoes clearly didn't go but she really did not care! Although this wasn't really the look we were searching for, it was still very interesting to have this photograph and compare it to others we had collected.

I find this image a bit more relatable to our trend as it features almost unexpected frills. You don't usually see feminine frills used in a strong, masculine material such as leather so this was quite an interesting image to talk about.

I feel as if our frilled trend can relate massively to dance and ballet in particular. 

We found frills in architecture and interiors too which we want to all explore more within our work and research.

I hope you enjoyed my brief photo series of my day trip to London! I'm sure there will be many more trips to come!

Thankyou for reading, 
Love from Georgia

Wednesday, 26 October 2016


The last day was a bit more of a chilled day. We started off by looking in some French shopping malls (yet again.. to my Dad's dismay) which I found really interesting as I compared to the shopping centres I go to at home. I stumbled across a Birchbox stand in one of the shops (which was a bit like our John Lewis or Debenhams) and I just had to purchase one! (blog post on that soon). Marseille wasn't as exciting as the other places we went to but we definitely tried to make the most out of it!

The buildings were still very pretty to look at especially compared to the ones back in England! Below is a sneak pre-view of the Birchbox stand in the shopping mall!

Later on in the day we decided to go and visit a fort and climb up the steps to the top to look at the lovely views.

Inside the fort...

My dad really enjoyed looking at the different boats and yachts all holiday..

I really hoped you enjoyed reading the posts from my cruise! Its a lovely way for me to look back on my holiday and remember exactly what we got up to! I hope to visit lots more places soon and tell you all about them! I will be going to New York in January with my university course which I am SO excited about! Visiting new York is definitely a dream come true and I cannot wait!

Thankyou for reading, 
Love from Georgia

Sunday, 23 October 2016


I was excited to do a bit of shopping in Cannes and to my Dad's dismay.. that is exactly what we did! It may not be as pretty or picturesque as Florence or Rome but the shopping was great! I particularly enjoyed Zara (who doesn't love Zara!?) as well as the designer shops and the quirky souvenir shops we walked past. These posts may not be as pretty as Rome or Florence but I still wanted to share with you all what I got up to!

I loved looking at all of the beautiful shop window displays and took photos of my favourites! I was so excited when I saw the one below with vintage designer handbags and unique pieces in but unfortunately it was closed!

As most of you know the Cannes film festival takes place once a year here and we wanted to visit exactly where all of the talented celebrities go to! We enjoyed looking at all of the handprints left by different Actors and Actresses.

Overall Cannes was completely different to the other places we had previously visited but it was nice to look round a more modern town and do a little bit of retail therapy!

Thankyou for reading, 
Love from Georgia

Wednesday, 19 October 2016


Our third day started with yet another taxi ride with people from the cruise, this time we stopped off in Florence where we had three hours to look around the beautiful town. I cant even begin to describe how stunning the buildings and surroundings really were but I took lots of photographs to show you all! Florence was probably my favourite town I visited just because of how stunning it really was, I definitely want to re-visit it another day!

I love a good bike and doorframe photograph haha!

I love seeing love locks! They make me so happy even if there is a sign saying no padlocks! haha.

There was so much hidden, beautiful street art in Florence like these paper butterflies and the 'girl with the pearl earing' graffiti.

The second part of our day was spent visiting The Leaning Tower Of Pisa. This was so worth going to see, It really does lean haha! Apparently it is still moving and leaning so god knows where it will be in another few years! Just like the Colosseum- this was soo much more impressive in real life and so worth seeing. Not only is it really interesting to see but its also a beautiful building with great architecture, if I had more time I would have loved to go inside it and climb up it, its supposed to feel so weird.

Of course we had to take the typical 'lets pretend were pushing the tower back up photograph' shown by my mum here haha. It didn't really work out but she gave it a go!

I hope you enjoyed the photographs from Florence and Pisa! There will be more posts to follow from the rest of my cruise.

Thankyou for reading, 
Love from Georgia
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