Saturday, 8 October 2016


Welcome back everyone!
A few weeks ago, I went on a week long cruise stopping off in different places around Spain, Italy and France which was amazing! I wanted to share with you what I got up to in my week away. The first place we visited was the Ancient city of Pompeii which was almost completely wiped out in 79 A.D. during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. I have wanted to visit it ever since learning about it at school! It really did live up to my expectations with the amazing streets and buildings. Their buildings were so advanced for their time, god knows how they built them! We had an amazing tour guide called Marco who knew so many facts about Pompeii, he was an excavator a few years ago and actually dug out one of the smaller houses in the city!

An Amphitheatre

This was a shop at the time, probably a bakery because of the oven shape in the back.
This is an original counter from a shop, the holes were probably filled with soup as this was a popular dish at the time.

This is a small altar  in the corner of the room which people prayed to the gods on.
I really liked the cracked painted walls in the rooms.

The patterns and paintings were still so beautiful.
This was a room in a brothel.
This was our tour guide Marco pointing at the 'menus' in the brothel.
There were many rooms filled with the things that were discovered in the buildings still. This image also shows a real casting of a man attempting to cover his nose from the smoke and gasses that would have filled the city, I found this quite sad but very interesting at the same time.

We also visited Sorrento later that day thanks to our taxi driver who was so lovely and helpful all day! I was particularly excited about visiting Sorrento because I know the Saccone Jolys regularly go on holiday there! However we didn't have much time to look around and appreciate it as much as I would have liked to. I took some stunning photographs of our surroundings which I wanted to share with you all.
The views were absolutely stunning, we spend our time there appreciating our surroundings.

I hope you enjoyed my images for day one, there will be many more posts to follow from the rest of the cruise!

Thankyou for reading, 
Love from Georgia

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