Whilst researching into broader ideas to gain new insights for my perfume brief at university I came across a book called calm. This book is originally for people who suffer with stress, anxiety, depression and mental health as a whole (a very taboo subject usually). My friend owns this book because of her anxiety and she said it really helped her. I found it a very interesting book, it was very visual and very interactive and focused on calming you down and distracting the mind from whatever is bothering you at the time
Main aspects to the book were nature with the whole idea of using natural ingredients and scents that could calm and relax you (very useful for my fragrance project!). It also focused on meditation and improving sleep as a lot of people suffer with insomnia too. Instead of counting sheep it gave you different ways to help and actually be able to fall asleep easier. There was tasks to do in the book like 'what has made you happy today' as well as including a lot of art therapy (a great way to distract the mind).
Whilst researching into this book more I realised they also have a website that is equally as useful. Whilst clicking on different links and tabs on it it made noises for rain and wind (etc) which are seen as very relaxing. I recommend this book, website and app for anyone who suffers with stress or lack of sleep in particular.
Thankyou for reading,
Love from Georgia
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