Thursday, 30 June 2016


Zou Bisou is a lovely little café i stumbled across in Leamington the other week. It's quirky and individual style attracted me with zebra prints, teacups hanging from the ceiling and strange chairs! It also has a very healthy vibe by specialising in juices and frozen yoghurt which is very different to the restaurants surrounding this little cafe! Everything was so fresh and all homemade which I loved. The healthy vibe with this place continues with yoga classes they sometimes hold or little events they have which is such a lovely idea, I will definitely be going to the next one I notice!

The staff were also so lovely and gave us great advice on what to choose, they were happy to help and knew what they were talking about, which can be rare in some restaurants and café's. They went above and beyond for their customers which really makes us want to go back!

'Zou Bisou' is also such a cute name! roughly translating as 'Oh kiss kiss kiss!'

This place is situated in such a lovely area of Leamington, its especially lovely in the summer when you can sit outside with some froyo!
We had some freshly made mango and passion fruit juices which were so nice and refreshing!
The portion sizes were huge but we weren't complaining! We had tuna sandwiches which we had the option of having hot or cold. 
The decor was so cool and modern.
As I said, they had really cool chairs!
The frozen yoghurt is one of their main attractions, they change the flavours regularly and I like how you can do it yourself by having as much or as little as you want. They also have a great variety of toppings to choose out of!
If you guess the weight of your frozen yoghurt exactly you are able to have it for free! I love this idea but am yet to guess correctly haha!

This place is definitely worth a visit if you are ever in Leamington town!

Thankyou for reading,
Love from Georgia

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


Even obsessive beauty freaks like myself get things wrong every now and again. Im sure we've all had those days where our winged eyeliner is completely uneven and our contouring makes us look like a muddy mess! I have had MANY makeup disasters in the past and although I think iv'e almost got the hang of it now, they're are still some things that just don't always go to plan!

False eyelashes-
They just don't stay on! I love wearing them but i'm always worrying about half of it unsticking without me noticing! I use an eyelash holder by eyelure to apply my lashes with at the moment and it is soo much easier! I definitely recommend it to anyone who struggles with applying their fake eyelashes.

Applying lipliner accurately-
I don't know what it is about lipliner but I just find it so difficult to follow the shape of my lips! I think its because you have to be so precise!

Shaping my eyebrows- 
Now I must admit, I have got a lot better at this now since using the 'Anastasia Beverly Hills dipbrow pomade' but eyebrows have always been something iv'e struggled with! I like to go by the saying that eyebrows are sisters not twins! haha.

Remembering to wash my makeup brushes-
It's just such a chore! I hate how long it takes but LOVE it when they are all clean and fluffy again. My favourite brushes at the moment are by 'Nanshy' you should go check them out if you want some affordable good quality brushes.

Going for regular haircuts- 
I cant be the only one who absolutely despises going to the hairdressers can I? Im definitely one of those nightmare customers who is obsessed over keeping their long hair no matter how dead it is at the bottom! 

Styling my hair- 
My hair is either down and curly or down and straight, I suck at styling it any other way! I don't know if its just me thinking I don't suit my hair any other way but I always feel more comfortable with my hair down and letting it do its own thing! I wish I could pull off some hair braids or my hair up for once!

I'm sure many of you can relate to the beauty things I suck at! Let me know in the comments what yours are!

Thankyou for reading
Love from Georgia,

Thursday, 16 June 2016


I have been so obsessed with Sophia Webster's Instagram recently with the regular photographs of her shoes and new boutique. For those of you who don't know, she is a British shoe designer, her designs are very girly and pretty and almost magical looking.. just my style! She opened her brand new boutique just over a month ago in London- 124 Mount street Mews.

Her new boutique looks like a dream and I cannot wait to visit it one day and lust even more over the pricey but beautiful shoes. The interior of her brand new boutique is just perfect, it is such a different, interesting change to a lot of boring shop interiors we see all the time. I also really like how as a luxury, high end designer she really doesnt take herself too seriously and her personality reflects not just in her new boutique but in all of her gorgeous designs!

I particularly love the purple-lavender sofa, it's such a gorgeous colour and it really brightens the room up!
This is my favourite part of the boutique, its just so pretty and floral!

I really wanted to add a few images of some of my favourite designs, they're all so bright and would make a massive statement with any outfit! Although some are a little daring to wear, they are all gorgeous to look at! I have been lusting after the Chiara designs for ages now but sadly cannot afford the pricey £495 price tag!

Thankyou for reading
Love from Georgia,

Tuesday, 14 June 2016


So as promised I have decided to post a few photographs of some of my favourite work by my fellow foundation students from the exhibition! Everyone's was so amazing and they all have such interesting thoughts and ideas behind them! I'm sad the art foundation is over as I have learnt a lot and made some great friends, but I am soo excited to go to university in September! I would 100% recommend doing an art foundation to anyone who doesn't quite know what they want to do or who just wants to take a year out creating crazy art!

I picked out some of my favourite work from the exhibition to show you all but there was soo much more amazing work!

This was one of my close friends work and I absolutely loved it! Her fashion illustrations in particular are amazing! Her work was based on cotton and cotton fields.
This girl based her work on the holocaust and she had soo many final garments! Her ideas were so unique and different which I liked. I also thought the plain colours made went well with the sad topic she based her work on.
I loved this work and the final garment in particular. The shapes and designs were so unique and well thought out. The boy that created this work got in to Central Saint Martins for menswear and I was so happy for him!
I loved how crazy this work was! The whole idea was based around personal space and the large bottoms of the dresses were created by inflatable rubber rings. This girl also did a film, showing her pumping it up and dancing in it which I wish I could show you!
I loved how this work was set out. She wanted people to focus on the details, hence why there was magnifying glasses on the garment and zoomed in circular photographs.
This was definitely one of my favourites, the photography is insane and it was all based around sweets! The film this girl made was also soo good!
This was work from one of my friends from visual communication, her work is amazing!
I just loved the dark rust and wood in this work!
This was in the 3D section and I just thought it was so cook how it was set out! I think these were cauliflowers!
This was another of my close friends work which was based on the colour indigo. She made all of the individual tags which were paper and metal which I thought were soo cool! I particularly loved the necklace she made, I would soo wear that!
I thought this work was cool with the light shining through the wallpaper, it created a new pattern on the other side of the wall which was interesting.
This was another visual communication students work and the work is so neat and precise! Its also so pretty with the colours and shapes!
This is another of my friends work and another of  my favourites! Her work was based on pockets and the idea of  'get up and go'. Her giant illustration with her work incorporated was so eye catching and the film she created on the mini television explained her work well and showed off the pockets better!
I loved this work as it was such a cool idea! The paintings almost came to life as she painted on actual people! She also had a live model on the opening night walking around with the face paint on. I also love how it was set out like instagram posts!
Thankyou for reading!
Love from Georgia

Thursday, 9 June 2016


Our exhibition is finally open with all of our work in so I thought id add some images of my space. Our exhibition spaces vary in size and don't show all of our work, they mainly show the finished pieces or favourite work from part three of our course. Mine showed my dress, two tops, fashion illustrations and a detailed drawing on the wall. My work was very detailed and busy so if i added any of my other work in it would have looked messy and too much. Overall I was quite happy with how it all turned out and I cannot believe the art foundation year is finally over! Now we just have to wait for our results! ahhhh.

You can roughly see the background I created with black markers; I wanted to create a detailed, interesting background that linked well to my work instead of a plain one.
I have two previous blog posts that talk about this dress in a lot more detail!
The first top I created shows me burning twigs into it (like I showed in some of my samples) I like how closely this links to the idea of rainforests being burnt down.
The second top shows gorilla glue dripping off, patches of different fabrics attached together and a rusty metal necklace dipped in more gel flex. I like the tops and they seem very textile based and experimental.
I had a row of six illustrations which I destroyed by splatting on clumps of paint and destroying the beauty again within my work.
Each illustration was completely different; I used techniques such as stencilling, chalk, scratching acetate, drawing and mark making. The techniques all created completely different effects which I loved.
Each illustration had the same similar shape to my main dress garment which I did by cutting out my own stencil. I found this technique extremely effective.

I hope you liked seeing my exhibition, even if the images weren't the best! If you're around Warwickshire then id definitely recommed going to see the show as it is open to the public for a week! I will be showing some of my favourite work from the exhibition in a blog post soon but it is soo much better in person!

Thankyou for reading, 
Love from Georgia

Friday, 3 June 2016


So as promised I am finally getting round to posting my images of my final garment after destruction. I have to admit, it was a lot harder to destroy it than I thought it would be! I didn't really want to ruin it in the end haha! However I think it turned out quite effective and I am pleased with the final outcome.

I decided to take my destroyed garment photographs in front of a more grubby, dirty background. I thought the silk screen wash room in my college would be a good and effective place to take the pictures in because of the contrasting black, dark background and all of the paint splats in the background which added a strange bit of colour and went well with the colours in my dress surprisingly! Once again my lovely friend was kind enough to model my dress for me and she did a fabulous job as per!

I used rusty metal, gel flex and stapling to destroy my dress as I thought these were three of my favourite and most effective techniques I have been using throughout this project. However, I decided to make two small tops so I could use more of my techniques, they are both in my exhibition as well which is next week! exciting!

I noticed how she wore black jeans before destruction against the white background and lighter white jeans after destruction against the darker black background, I love this contrast that we created by accident!
I attached strings to the arms so the gel flex would cling to it and it would look as if it was dripping down her arm.
As I have previously said, the red gel flex represents the blood of animals, my work will hopefully make people think more and feel uncomfortable when looking at it.
I asked her to look down and pick at pieces of the dress to show of the details more as some of them are slightly hidden if you don't look closely enough.
I love how you can still see the beautiful patterns underneath which took me so long, I didn't want it to be completely hidden.
I found a chunky piece of rusty metal near a skip (yes I went searching round a skip) and I thought it looked great as a statement piece around the neckline!
Even the pretty silk bow was destroyed!
I thought I'd zoom into some of the details and some of the steps I did before it was finished.

I created a scrap metal necklace last minute as well which I eventually dipped into the gel flex, this is attached to one of the tops in my exhibition.

The exhibition for everyone's work starts next week and I am so excited to see what everyone else has been creating for their final major projects! I hope to take lots of photos so I can show you all! 

Thankyou for reading, 
Love from Georgia
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