Thursday, 9 June 2016


Our exhibition is finally open with all of our work in so I thought id add some images of my space. Our exhibition spaces vary in size and don't show all of our work, they mainly show the finished pieces or favourite work from part three of our course. Mine showed my dress, two tops, fashion illustrations and a detailed drawing on the wall. My work was very detailed and busy so if i added any of my other work in it would have looked messy and too much. Overall I was quite happy with how it all turned out and I cannot believe the art foundation year is finally over! Now we just have to wait for our results! ahhhh.

You can roughly see the background I created with black markers; I wanted to create a detailed, interesting background that linked well to my work instead of a plain one.
I have two previous blog posts that talk about this dress in a lot more detail!
The first top I created shows me burning twigs into it (like I showed in some of my samples) I like how closely this links to the idea of rainforests being burnt down.
The second top shows gorilla glue dripping off, patches of different fabrics attached together and a rusty metal necklace dipped in more gel flex. I like the tops and they seem very textile based and experimental.
I had a row of six illustrations which I destroyed by splatting on clumps of paint and destroying the beauty again within my work.
Each illustration was completely different; I used techniques such as stencilling, chalk, scratching acetate, drawing and mark making. The techniques all created completely different effects which I loved.
Each illustration had the same similar shape to my main dress garment which I did by cutting out my own stencil. I found this technique extremely effective.

I hope you liked seeing my exhibition, even if the images weren't the best! If you're around Warwickshire then id definitely recommed going to see the show as it is open to the public for a week! I will be showing some of my favourite work from the exhibition in a blog post soon but it is soo much better in person!

Thankyou for reading, 
Love from Georgia

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