Tuesday, 14 June 2016


So as promised I have decided to post a few photographs of some of my favourite work by my fellow foundation students from the exhibition! Everyone's was so amazing and they all have such interesting thoughts and ideas behind them! I'm sad the art foundation is over as I have learnt a lot and made some great friends, but I am soo excited to go to university in September! I would 100% recommend doing an art foundation to anyone who doesn't quite know what they want to do or who just wants to take a year out creating crazy art!

I picked out some of my favourite work from the exhibition to show you all but there was soo much more amazing work!

This was one of my close friends work and I absolutely loved it! Her fashion illustrations in particular are amazing! Her work was based on cotton and cotton fields.
This girl based her work on the holocaust and she had soo many final garments! Her ideas were so unique and different which I liked. I also thought the plain colours made went well with the sad topic she based her work on.
I loved this work and the final garment in particular. The shapes and designs were so unique and well thought out. The boy that created this work got in to Central Saint Martins for menswear and I was so happy for him!
I loved how crazy this work was! The whole idea was based around personal space and the large bottoms of the dresses were created by inflatable rubber rings. This girl also did a film, showing her pumping it up and dancing in it which I wish I could show you!
I loved how this work was set out. She wanted people to focus on the details, hence why there was magnifying glasses on the garment and zoomed in circular photographs.
This was definitely one of my favourites, the photography is insane and it was all based around sweets! The film this girl made was also soo good!
This was work from one of my friends from visual communication, her work is amazing!
I just loved the dark rust and wood in this work!
This was in the 3D section and I just thought it was so cook how it was set out! I think these were cauliflowers!
This was another of my close friends work which was based on the colour indigo. She made all of the individual tags which were paper and metal which I thought were soo cool! I particularly loved the necklace she made, I would soo wear that!
I thought this work was cool with the light shining through the wallpaper, it created a new pattern on the other side of the wall which was interesting.
This was another visual communication students work and the work is so neat and precise! Its also so pretty with the colours and shapes!
This is another of my friends work and another of  my favourites! Her work was based on pockets and the idea of  'get up and go'. Her giant illustration with her work incorporated was so eye catching and the film she created on the mini television explained her work well and showed off the pockets better!
I loved this work as it was such a cool idea! The paintings almost came to life as she painted on actual people! She also had a live model on the opening night walking around with the face paint on. I also love how it was set out like instagram posts!
Thankyou for reading!
Love from Georgia

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