All FCP students have recently been given their individual summative briefs which is basically everything we have done up to now, all over again, but on our own! (ahh). It will involve producing a report document created on indesign (not my strongest point!) as well as continuing with our sketchbooks, blogs and creative ideas!
For the context part, we have each been allocated a fashion trend for Autumn/Winter 2016 which we will have to carry out primary and secondary research for. We will need to produce a 500 word report for this.
We have also been allocated a non-fashion brand and product for our Big Idea which we will need to document our brainstorms and ideas for in our sketchbooks (I have to admit, this was definitely my least favourite brief out of all of them!). We will need to define our chosen idea for the concept and brand combination and create a 15 word statement for it.
For the creative concept part we will need to create three mood-boards with three distinctive, alternative interpretations of the big ideas we came up with.
In the final execution part we need to pick one of the three big ideas created to develop. We will need to communicate our idea through a chosen social media platform and consider our target consumers whilst being creative and experimental!
The final thing we have to do will involve writing a 500 word report with illustrations and referencing. So as you can see it is quite a lot of work but very exciting at the same time. I have already started researching into my fashion trend which is the 'tough 90's' and am still baffled by my non-fashion brand and product which is is a soap dispenser and 'JML'! I hope to keep you updated throughout my research and new ideas I find along the way.
Thankyou for reading,
Love from Georgia
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